Thursday 17 June 2021
Hits : 307
As a part of the WP 6 Dissemination and exploitation, University of Nis (UNI) in collaboration with the civil engineering Cluster Dunđer has organized a dissemination event related to the promotion of Erasmus+ projects i.e. a roundtable titled “Circular economy and internationalization”. The event was organized on 17 th June 2021 and lasted from 9:00 h to 17: 00 h in line with the previously prepared agenda .
There were three sessions: first on-line and two face-to -face sessions.
After the welcome speech provided by Katarzyna Korczak, SMART4NZEB, Prof. Ewa Kochanska talked about project evaluation of HORIZON projects and how to be awarded. Ms Biljana Avramović, Cluster Dunđer, presented the topic of how to prepare a project proposal. Prof. Dr. Milan Gocić, University of Nis, presented achieved results during the implementation of the SWARM project.
Prof. Dr. Dragan Milićević, University of Nis, presented the topic of circular economy in water resources management highlighting the necessity to take care of water. Prof. Dr. Miomir Vasov, University of Nis (UNI), presented the topic related to the energy efficient architecture – design principles.
The third session was related to internationalization and glo balization. Dr. Danka Milojković presented the important topic related to clusters i.e. clusters as a tool for internationalization and globalization. Prof. Dr. Milan Gocić, University of Nis (UNI) presented his experience on Erasmus+ projects such as SWARM, INNOWAT, SMARTEN and MEET. Mr. Boban Veličković presented practical experience achieved from managing international construction projects.
Participants expressed interest for new study programmes and digitalisation applied in the civil engineering sector. The final remarks were regarding the possible cooperation with present companies and UNI.
The roundtable finished at 1 7: 00.