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Online and face-to-face meeting
Wednesday 26 May 2021
Hits : 384
As a part of the WP 6 Dissemination and exploitation, University of Nis (UNI) in collaboration with the civil engineering Cluster Dunđer has organized a dissemination event related to the promotion of Erasmus+ projects. The event was organized on 26th May 2021 and lasted from 11 h to 14:30 h in line with the previously prepared agenda. 
The participants of the roundtable were representatives of 10 institutions from non-academic and academic sector: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, PSG Inženjering, Gramont Inženjering d.o.o., Trion Hydroconsulting, Vagre ING d.o.o., Cluster Dunđer, IPI Inteoprojekt, IRC “Alfatec”, Gymnasium Knjaževac.   
After the welcome speech provided by Prof. Dr. Đorđe Đorđević, coordinator of the Cluster Dunđer, Ms Biljana Avramović, Cluster Dunđer, talked about how to prepare a good project proposal. Cluster Dunđer has been a coordinator or partner at a few national and international projects.
At the meeting, participants were introduced with the main objectives and achieved results of the several Erasmus+ projects: NatRisk, SWARM, SMARTEN, INNOWAT and MEET. The projects are related to the capacity building i.e. capacity building of higher education (CBHE), strategic partnership, and Jean Monnet module. 
Milan Gocić explained to participants the structure, the outcomes and future activities of ongoing projects.  
Participants expressed the interest for new study programmes and digitalisation applied in the civil engineering sector.   
The final remarks were regarding the possible cooperation with present companies and UNI for potential internship programmes for UNI students and other projects concerning water and civil engineering. 
The roundtable finished at 14:30.

Report on successful stories - Erasmus+ projects

