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SWARM dissemination event
Tuesday 27 April 2021
Hits : 201
On April 27, 2021 at the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the University in Pristina in Kosovska 
Mitrovica, the promotional event has taken place in order to promote the ongoing Erasmus+ projects 
implemented at the Faculty. The Dean of FTS, Prof. Dr. Nebojša Arsić, vice deans, professors and 
students have participated in the event. Also, directors of the high schools from North Kosovo* 
region were present, together with high school graduates and other interested citizens. 

On this event there was promoted Erasmus + project SWARM – Strengthening of master curricula 
in water resources management for the Western Balkan HEIs and stakeholders, project no. 597888-
EPP-1-2018-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.  Also, there were presented modernized master  study 
program in the field of environmental engineering and occupational safety as well as modern 
laboratory equipped by state-of-art equipment and other activities realized within SWARM project.

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